Top 3 Thanksgiving Day Parades In The USA

Top 3 Thanksgiving Day Parades In The USA
Let’s take a look at the Top 3 Thanksgiving Day Parades in the USA this season. It’s an annual event in these select cities that takes place in November obviously on Thanksgiving Day itself. Every year, thousands of locals and out of town visitors come to watch theses respective parades, and more than 50 million people view it live on television. There are bands, singers and dance groups, performance fanfares, and of course cheerleaders too. The main attractions always seem to be huge balloons with the image of cartoon characters and super heroes that are indeed bigger then life.
Many volunteers are working to make this year Thanksgiving Day Parade successful. If you’re in NY, Philadelphia, and Chicago, the parades are the events you should not miss. Certainly the month of November is the time of year when America sets aside a day to give thanks and spend time with the family at a table full of vegetables, stuffing, turkey, and pumpkin pie.
Thanksgiving Day has been highly celebrated nationwide since George Washington, the very first president of the United States declared the first Thanksgiving Day in 1789. Even before that there has been different churches within early America that have celebrated Fall Harvest Festivals within their respective communities to give thanks and offers of community fellowship.
How did a nationally recognized single day of Thanksgiving come about? Well, of course the most favorite story says that newly arrived pilgrims were near starving to death in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. It was because of the disturbing winter patterns in those years when the local native Indians pretty much came to the rescue of the pilgrims with fellowship and offerings. After teaching the Pilgrims how to cultivate the land, the two groups mutually enjoyed a successful harvest, thanked God and celebrated together for three days.
Here are the top 3 Thanksgiving Day Parades
Are you wanting to know what are the top 3 biggest and best Thanksgiving Day Parades across the USA? It’s actually no secret that thousands of Americans have selected their personal favorites from attending these select parades in person or simply watching on television. The top three are from the cities of New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.
· Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York
· Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philadelphia
· McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day parade in Chicago
#1. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (MTDP) in New York
This well-known Parade does everything it can to create an impressive carousel of extravagant poses, bands, musicians, and personalities. You may have seen this parade in Christmas favorites Miracle on 34th Street. It is always an annual favorite tradition for those to watch on television that stay at home preparing their Thanksgiving Day dinner.
#2. Thanksgiving Day Parade In Philadelphia
Philadelphia actually plays host each fall to the country’s oldest Thanksgiving parade that’s nearing 100 years old. The parade route begins on JFK Boulevard and ends at the Philadelphia Museum. It features top named celebrities, local choirs, dance groups, and classical music groups. As if that was not enough, you can always count on the appearance of Santa Claus too!
#3. McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade In Chicago
You will see many amazing colors as well as an eclectic blend of characters floating, marching and dancing along State Street in downtown Chicago every Thanksgiving day. This always festive and colorful Thanksgiving Day Parade procession in Chicago started in the United States during the Great Depression and its goal was to lift the mood of Chicago. It certainly has.
In conclusion, the Thanksgiving Day Parade in itself can be considered an American holiday tradition. It is celebrated in large cities and several smaller towns all across the USA.
Always remember that Thanksgiving Day is an occasion and opportunity for you to count your blessings for family, friends and the freedom in your life to make choices. It is the opportunity for you to remember those loved ones who may not be with you on this day. Gratitude is the theme. Let’s celebrate this day with enjoyment and bliss!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble!
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