GoodLife Effect – Starts With Your Bucket List

Get ready to experience all your travel destination dreams with a way of living that we at Travel USA Discounts are calling the GoodLife Effect!

Have you ever pondered that may never get the chance to cross off one of your personal  “Bucket List” intentions of going somewhere or experiencing something that you always wanted to do? You know, even if it was just a simple intended goal like for example, showing extreme gratitude from you standing the edge of the Grand Canyon with your arms raised high?

When you are able to accomplish a bucket list intention like that, we call that vortex moment the GoodLife Effect.

To realize that personal intention, we all here understand that three basic principles have to be in play to do it.

  • The Desire – There has to be a want to, a powerful intention to make it happen
  • The Money – You must have the funds for travel, lodging and dining at this destination
  • The Time – Scheduling the proper time and season to do this sometimes is the biggest obstacle

As a small business owner, I’m always on the look out for opportunities not only from a business perspective, but on a personal level as well.

What if I told you that I discovered a way, a method to easily and systematically cover all three principles listed above so that now crossing off your items on your personal bucket list will now become routine as you accomplish each intention one by one.

The GoodLife Effect can literally change your life… but not overnight.

It’s humbling to know upfront that experiencing the GoodLife Effect starts with GIVING… before you start receiving back monetarily in a major rewarding way. By giving first you will experience a sense of personal satisfaction that will engage your mindset to anticipate receiving naturally without definite financial expectations.

The end result is that you just know the rewards will start flowing back to you at anytime.

How is that possible?

It all starts will a small credit card looking $200 VIP Club Card that offers Exclusive Hotel Savings Worldwide. This small card can literally jumpstart a GoodLife Effect for you like you never seen.

It sounds like such an insignificant “NEW COMPANY” type of promotion to create the promise of a GoodLife Effect for you but I’m telling you firsthand that this promotional campaign strategy offered by a somewhat new company out of Boca Raton, Florida named GoodLife USA is pure genius!

If you want to personally experience the GoodLife Effect, you have to hear my story.

As a small (offline) business owner, I am constantly on the lookout for viable marketing opportunities, cost saving measures and added benefits to my small business and customers of almost any and all things that I come in contact with. It’s just a disciplined business practice that you must do daily to stay competitive in any market you do business in.

It was about a month ago when I was presented with this $200 Hotel Savings Card by a friend who operated a small carpet cleaning business in a town not far from me. Tee says to me, “Please take this card as a FREE gift from me to you… it’s kinda like a FREE Customer Appreciation gift.”

Without knowing what this card is, I gratefully receive it since he’s handing it to me. I say thanks, but what is it?

He says, it’s a $200 Hotel Savings Card. You just go to the website listed on the back and then enter the activation code that’s on the front and that will put you in to a private club hotel booking engine. From there, make your hotel selection to save a lot of money. It’s as easy as that!

Tee goes on to explain that it’s a whole lot cheaper then booking through Travelocity, Expedia, Priceline and all the others. He dared me to compare them side by side to see for myself.

Lastly Tee encouraged me to activate my card asap so in case I were to ever misplace or completely forget about this $200 Hotel savings Card, the company would send me a reminder email every now and then to advise me how much I still have on this card to use. As a bonus feature, Tee says this card will be good to use for (2) whole years!

My first thoughts was thanks, but where were you and this card last year when my family traveled out of town often for my daughter’s travel volleyball club tournaments? Lol!

I did activate my code on my Free $200 Hotel Savings Card that evening without hesitation just in case I forgot about it or misplaced somewhere.

It was a few days later I started thinking about Tee and his small business and how he was handing out these FREE $200 Hotel Savings Cards to not only his customers, but I remember him also saying he was giving them out to family, friends and people at his Church too.


I always considered Tee a smart businessman. He was always on top the latest marketing trends. His online presence on social media platforms pretty much built his small business to become very successful within the local community. I then considered that there must be something else going on with these cards that Tee isn’t sharing with me yet.

That’s when I gave him a call.

Tee explained about the company GoodLife USA and how they were using these cards to promote BRAND AWARENESS of the GoodLife USA Company with both individuals and small businesses that help them spread the word.

The $200 Hotel Saving Card is serving as the lead catalyst to serve as a FREE gift to personally GIVE someone to Save Money while having a great lodging experience. This card will also serve to introduce the end user to GoodLife USA, the Company with their brand and other opportunities as a customer and/or reseller.

Bottom line… as a individual or small business, you can make some substantial income over time just by giving out these $200 Hotel Savings Cards for free. It’s simply a method of creating and establishing brand awareness for GoodLife USA that is done pretty much by real people doing personal face to face referrals.

Yes the key to open your personal GoodLife Effect starts with this simple $200 Hotel Savings Card… but wait until you discover what’s all behind this door. Your new GoodLife Effect experience awaits you with discounts on travel, hotels, shopping, dining and entertainment all the while earning income exponentially along the way.

Again, the first step is by just handing out these $200 Hotel Savings Cards for free!

Get ready for fun times ahead!

Are you ready yet?

Start Enjoying the GoodLife Everyday!


Safe Travels ~

Travel USA Discounts

IBO – Independent Business Owner


“Please join GoodLife USA as a Member/IBO yourself with the person who initially told you about GoodLife USA or the person that directed you to this article on our  Travel USA Discounts website or social media platforms as they should get credit and rewarded for that referral effort.”


If by chance you just stumbled upon this page by divine intervention, please Join our team as a GoodLife USA IBO to take advantage of our exclusive team promotional benefits as we help you get the ball rolling by promoting your GoodLife USA IBO reseller/affiliate link for FREE! 

Only for the next 100 people that JOIN OUR TEAM… We at Travel USA Discounts will create for you (at no charge) your very own blog article, a fun Youtube video and a GoodLife USA promotional image banner for placement right on our website front page in a unique gallery for thousands of visitors to see daily that visit our Travel USA Discounts website.

Remember to enroll as an IBO with GoodLife USA, simply click on the ENROLL NOW button on upper right navigation tab to where the dropdown menu appears. From there select IBO ENROLLMENT and just follow the simple steps.

Be sure to use my reseller number Brian Hingst (189921) to join my team. After I see you as an IBO in my backoffice, we will be in contact with you to get your promotions started right away within our Travel USA Discounts website and social platforms.


Be sure to Click Here to Visit and See all of our other Blog Postings at Travel USA Discounts.  🙂



Welcome To Travel USA Discounts

Travel USA Discounts

Welcome To Travel USA Discounts

Hello and welcome everyone to our new Travel USA Discounts website/blog.

This website was created for all you people out there that are in search of traveling all across the USA (and beyond) at locations known and maybe unknown to you as well.

Of course we a Travel USA Discounts will also, as our name suggest, will be providing pertinent information and ideas of how to do all this traveling at discounted rates too.

This idea of the Travel USA Discounts BLOG is to expose your senses with a more modern method of both travel and living your life to the fullest.

We call this the GoodLife effect!

The plan is to connect you with a variety of enticing travel related images and videos on not only this blog, but also through our other Travel USA Discounts branded Social Media platforms that include Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus and Youtube. Our postings will surely open your eyes to not only locations that may spark your interest in future travel destinations but will also provide you insider’s information of how to travel much cheaper then you can ever imagine.

Once we expose you to the GoodLife effect, there is no turning back.

Travel does not always have to be at exotic locations. It can be just a simple getaway just to enjoy some family time with loved ones.

The GoodLife effect that Travel USA Discounts plans to disclose to you is not just about travel either. It’s also about living life differently with private club style advantages too where you can save even more money with all the shopping that you do online with major retailers, places where you eat, entertainment venues where you see concerts or cheer for your favorite sports teams.

Travel USA Discounts Blog will be your personal portal hub, or window to give you a glimpse of the GoodLife effect that it is having on other people worldwide that are bonded with the same desire to not only travel – but to do it in style.

The other secret that we wish to disclose to you is that this GoodLife effect will not only save you money, but it will make you money too. Stay tuned for more disclosure on that within our updated postings in the weeks to come.

Get ready for fun times ahead!

Are you ready yet?

Start Enjoying the GoodLife Everyday!


Safe Travels ~

Travel USA Discounts

IBO – Independent Business Owner


“Please join GoodLife USA as a Member/IBO yourself with the person who initially told you about GoodLife USA or the person that directed you to this article on our  Travel USA Discounts website or social media platforms as they should get credit and rewarded for that referral effort.”


If by chance you just stumbled upon this page by divine intervention, please Join our team as a GoodLife USA IBO to take advantage of our exclusive team promotional benefits as we help you get the ball rolling by promoting your GoodLife USA IBO reseller/affiliate link for FREE! 

Only for the next 100 people that JOIN OUR TEAM… We at Travel USA Discounts will create for you (at no charge) your very own blog article, a fun Youtube video and a GoodLife USA promotional image banner for placement right on our website front page in a unique gallery for thousands of visitors to see daily that visit our Travel USA Discounts website.

Remember to enroll as an IBO with GoodLife USA, simply click on the ENROLL NOW button on upper right navigation tab to where the dropdown menu appears. From there select IBO ENROLLMENT and just follow the simple steps.

Be sure to use my reseller number Brian Hingst (189921) to join my team. After I see you as an IBO in my backoffice, we will be in contact with you to get your promotions started right away within our Travel USA Discounts website and social platforms.


Be sure to Click Here to Visit and See all of our other Blog Postings at Travel USA Discounts.  🙂



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