How To Travel Vlog – 4 Steps For Beginners

How To Travel Vlog – 4 Steps For Beginners
How To Travel Vlog – 4 Steps For Beginners is a quick look of how to start a travel vlog. If you were ever interested to maybe start video blogging when you travel across the USA then I would like to share a video that I have discovered that is full of insight and tips to get you started.
If you have you ever gone on vacation with family or took a fun trip with friends, this video is for you.
Today’s tea time we’re going to tackle four steps to create your first travel vlog. Now I know what you’re thinking, TJ I’m not a travel vlogger. Okay I get it but what is travel vlogging? It’s to video log your experiences right? So think of it as creating video memories. Vlogging for me is capturing more flow moments that I can later look back on in life.
Everyone has those experiences that they’d love to put on video because it’s offers so much more than photos.
This video will teach you how to make your first travel vlog and I promise we’ll break it down and make it easy.
We’ll reveal what to film in your travel vlog and how to actually edit your first video. I don’t care how old or young you are or how technologically advanced or creative you are, the most important thing is that you give it a try and who knows you may fall in love with it.
Step One is to start recording with whatever you have. The first travel vlog I’ve ever filmed with, a trip to San Diego with my friends was filmed on my phone. No apps, No tripod. Just handheld. You can start vlogging with any device that records. I bet you already have some clips on your phone or your camera that you combine into a video.
Step Two is very important in creating a travel vlog. It’s all about telling a story that has a beginning, middle and end. Now it sounds kind of complicated but it’s actually very simple. I’m talking about showing movements. Showing how you get from point A to point B. Whatever you’re doing that day or for that trip, let your viewers know what it was like getting there, not just what it was like once there.
You can help tell the story with footage of walking shots, of the scenery leaves, moving ocean waves. When it comes to creating a travel vlog, the journey itself can be so much more interesting than just a destination.
What are some ways to tell the story? Well you can just speak into the camera and say, “Right now we’re walking through a bushy area but you’re about to see the ocean backdrop.” Let your friends and family know what’s happening throughout the day how it’s going, where you are, or you can capture shots of different interesting things.
Your vlog can start with something like a welcome sign or the sunrise. The middle of the vlog can be a main event like for me it’s finally reaching the viewpoint of the hike. The ending of the video can show you packing up your bags or your airplane departing.
People love following a journey journey. Some of my most popular vlogs are travel day blogs and if you think about some of the most popular youtubers vlogs, most of the time they are going somewhere whether it’s by plane, cruise ship, car or train. These modes of transportation seem to be always fascinating to viewers.
Step Three. I know people love to make compilations of epic scenes from their trip and that’s awesome but what makes a travel vlog sparkle and grab a person’s attention is to get personal. You need to capture shots of you laughing or doing activities allowing your personality show on video. This is your travel vlog.
Yes your vlog should be about a destination but it also should also showcase footage snippets of your family & friends laughing, enjoying and just soaking up the experience… even if it’s just a few seconds. This will dramatically make your vlog more interesting, more heartfelt and more meaningful.
A few years later you will look back on it and love every second of it
Step Four. Now that you have all the clips it’s time to head home and edit everything together.
I use an editing software called iMovie.
Whichever editing software you use, like me you start by putting all your video clips, like I took on my phone and put them in the editing timeline folder. I’m just putting these clips in some kind of order to build out my story so the clips I show at the beginning of my hike should be in the front. When I reached my destination viewpoint, that should be in the middle and then you know the ending.
Let’s say you want to spice things up and add some text or even music. It’s very simple. All you have to do is click on the title then drag over whatever style you want.
Just have fun with your editing and when you want to export your production, there’s an icon in the top right corner that you can click on and then you export it.
I want you to know you can absolutely create your first travel video and it is not as intimidating as it looks. Of course your first video is not going to be perfect but you will feel. You will discover by creating it, there’s something truly magical and exciting in experiencing your travels this way.
Just know that creating a video memory of your travels can be both fun and very entertaining not only for yourself but with others too. Start enjoying the GoodLife Everyday yourself and vlog about it where ever your travels take you.
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Safe Travels ~
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